Managing Heartburn, Gerd & Hiatal Hernia With Acupuncture & Herbs

Many people are surprised to learn that acupuncture, herbs and CranioSacral Therapy in conjunction are helpful treatment methods for hiatal hernia, acid reflux, GERD and heartburn and that I regularly treat patients for these concerns at my acupuncture clinic in Sebastopol.

I thought it would be helpful for people suffering from these conditions and symptoms to learn about some of the suggestions that I offer to my patients to supplement their individualized treatments here.
Avoid the following, as these foods are either acidic and will increase symptoms, or will relax the lower esophageal sphincter allowing the stomach acid to rise into your esophagus causing a burning sensation and are best avoided.

  • Citrus foods: oranges, grapefruits, lemons and tomato-based foods like red sauce

  • Fatty, greasy, rich, and fried foods (including fatty meats)

  • Garlic and onions

  • Chocolate

  • Spicy food

  • Peppermint and spearmint

  • Coffee, tea (including decaf) and alcohol

  • Carbonated beverages and Canned Foods

  • Dairy (Sheep or goat cheese can be better options in moderation)

  • High-sugar foods including granola bars, cereals, and candies

Each person is unique in their response to food.  A good option is to avoid all of the above foods for a short time, perhaps a few days, to see if your symptoms will subside. If they do, then add back in each of the foods one at a time to see if they cause discomfort and if they do then you know to avoid consuming them.
Consider increasing alkaline foods in your diet, such as the following:

  • Vegetables: Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Kelp, Green Sprouts like alfalfa, peas, etc.

  • Fruits: Raw coconut water, Avocado

  • Spices/herbs: Basil, Parsley, Celtic or Himalayan Salt,

  • Research an alkaline diet for more foods to increase or avoid.

Patients have reported positive responses to bringing these natural alternatives into their diet to reduce symptoms and heal some of the damage to the tissue by the stomach acid. Take when symptoms arise or try as prevention.

  • DGL Licorice: take as directed on the bottle. Chewable has a faster response for some.

  • Vitamineral green, blue green algae or spirulina: a Tablespoon mixed in with ½ c water is very alkaline and can provide immediate relief.

  • Marshmallow Root tea: Cold infusion – fill a jar ¼ of the way with herb and fill with lukewarm water then rest for 4 hours or overnight. Strain and drink for quick relief, a few sips or a glass.

  • Chamomile tea, coconut water, aloe juice (caution with aloe, it acts as a laxative. If you don’t need help promoting bowel movements, then use the formula that has the laxative removed)

Other notes

  • Tums and other antacids can have harmful side effects, especially when used long-term. It is best to avoid or minimize their use and try the above options.

  • Avoid smoking

  • Maintain a healthy weight, excess weight increases the pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter.

  • Eat slowly with smaller bites and chew thoroughly.

  • Some patients find propping their bed up to sleep with head and chest higher than waist helps to relieve some symptoms at night so they might sleep better.

  • It is important to manage the symptoms; repeated esophageal reflux can lead to Barrett's esophagus - a condition where tissue that is similar to the lining of your intestine replaces the tissue lining your esophagus. Barrett's esophagus may develop into a rare cancer.

Hiatal hernia, acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn are all distinct patterns within Chinese Medicine, and with a thorough intake I will find what it is that is at the root of your imbalance, and we will use acupuncture and herbs to create balance and relieve your symptoms and promote healing. If you live in Sonoma’s West County, Sebastopol, Occidental, Graton, Guerneville, Forestville, Bodega, or surrounding areas, you can book online now to receive acupuncture for your condition. I hope these tips are useful! If you have any questions, call for a 15-minute free consultation and schedule your appointment with Chase Desso, Licensed Acupuncturist at True Nature Wellness in downtown Sebastopol. 


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